Weingut Neumeister
Vulkanland Steiermark DAC
Große STK Ried
€ 49,00
incl. VAT excl. Shipping
Moarfeitl ist der älteste in Familienbesitz befindliche Weingarten und liegt auf einem Hochplateau oberhalb der Ried Augenweide. Die Reben wurden 1990 neu ausgepflanzt.1
Ernte am 10. Oktober 2020. Maischestandzeit 12 Stunden, spontane Vergärung in Eichenfässern (300-600 Liter). Anschließend 16 Monate Reifung auf der Hefe in großen, alten Holzfässern.2
13.0 % vol Alcohol3
Best to drink from 2022 to 20374
Im Restaurant Saziani serviert zu Lamm mit Kohlrabi, Sanddorn und Daumennudel.5
Guarantee of origin: Vulkanland Steiermark
Steep vineyards and challenging sites
Handcrafted and organic wines
Best wine quality
Shipping & Prices
All our wines are shipped with DPD wine logistics, for larger quantities with refrigerated shipping.
From € 99,- we ship free of charge within Austria and Germany. For environmental reasons, we ask you to fill the carton as much as possible. We ship in boxes of 3, 6, 12 & 18 pieces.
Due to the regulations on intra-Community mail order trade in force since July 1, 2021, all prices include the taxes applicable in your country, which is why there may be differences to our farm-gate prices.
Austria & Germany
Up to € 98,- shipping fee of € 10,-
From € 99,- free shipping
€ 12,- per shipping box
Shipping in boxes of 3, 6 & 12
Please also note our partners in your country.