Weingut Neumeister
„Volle, tieffruchtige Nase nach Honigmelone, Macadamia, Ananas, Bitterorangen und Kurkuma; gelbfruchtiger, stoffiger Gaumen nach Pekannuss und Marille, dahinter etwas türkischer Honig; sehr langes Finish.“
Die Weingärten befinden sich rund um Straden auf den Rieden Klausen, Saziani, Steintal und Buchberg.1
Ernte am 15. und 21. September 2023.2
13.0 % vol Alcohol3
Best to drink from 2024 to 20294
Im Restaurant Saziani serviert zu grünem Spargel, Eidotter, Kernöl und Butterbrösel.5
Guarantee of origin: Vulkanland Steiermark
Steep vineyards and challenging sites
Handcrafted and organic wines
Best wine quality
Shipping & Prices
All our wines are shipped with DPD wine logistics, for larger quantities with refrigerated shipping.
From € 99,- we ship free of charge within Austria and Germany. For environmental reasons, we ask you to fill the carton as much as possible. We ship in boxes of 3, 6, 12 & 18 pieces.
Due to the regulations on intra-Community mail order trade in force since July 1, 2021, all prices include the taxes applicable in your country, which is why there may be differences to our farm-gate prices.
Austria & Germany
Up to € 98,- shipping fee of € 10,-
From € 99,- free shipping
€ 12,- per shipping box
Shipping in boxes of 3, 6 & 12
Please also note our partners in your country.